Becoming an EBJC Affiliated Shoulder Rehab Provider

Our Mission

The goal of the Shoulder Assessment Clinic at the Edmonton Bone and Joint Centre is to improve patient access to appropriate, active, exercise-based physical therapy in the community. We want to engage physical therapy providers to support them in providing evidence-based care for non-operative management of patients with shoulder pain and/or dysfunction.

To be considered for affiliation with the Shoulder Assessment Clinic, the following is required:

  • Active, exercise-based treatment needs to be initiated on the first visit.
  • Treatment must include posture education and correction, scapular stabilization, shoulder girdle neuromuscular retraining, ROM, core strength, rotator cuff strength, and functional progressions.
  • Exercise should be supported with education regarding the patient’s condition, pain management, activity modification, as well as the relevance of the role of exercise in the management of this condition.
  • Awaiting imaging results should not be a condition of initiating physical therapy, nor should positive imaging findings be a reason to avoid a trial of physical therapy treatment.
  • Inclusion of modality-based treatments should be minimal or avoided. If needed, their use should be explained as a support to treatment rather than the treatment itself.

Requirements to Become an Affiliate

The EBJC Shoulder Assessment Clinic recommends following the Edmonton Region Non-Operative Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Rehabilitation Guidelines developed by SURGE (Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton) for patients with shoulder pain/pathology. You can find more information on these guidelines here.

For consideration of affiliation, please submit a proposal of your clinic philosophy and physical therapy approach to the management of this patient population. Please email this proposal to Teresa Peters ( Please note: priority will be given to clinics with CRP funding and areas of Edmonton and rural Alberta that are not supported by our current affiliates.

In addition to completing this proposal, you will need to designate a shoulder rehab director/lead within your clinic. Ideally, the physical therapist appointed to this position should have a strong clinical background in shoulder rehabilitation and be one of the primary physical therapists at your clinic treating patients with shoulder pain/pathology. This person will act as a liaison between the EBJC and your clinic, as well as a mentor and resource for your staff regarding management of EBJC shoulder patients.

What’s Next?

Upon review of your proposal, a virtual meeting can be booked with the shoulder rehab lead/director from your clinic, covering:

  • The role of the shoulder rehab lead/director.
  • A review of SURGE rehabilitation guidelines.
  • Expectations of reasonable frequency of treatment and the conservative use of physical therapy treatment, given the limited access many patients have.
  • Reporting requirements for patients attending the EBJC Shoulder Assessment Clinic for initial assessment or follow-up.

If you have any further questions about becoming an affiliate of the Shoulder Assessment Clinic at the Edmonton Bone and Joint Centre, please email your questions to Teresa Peters at